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8/7/23 - Chronicles of Skull & Crossbownes II: The Central America File in editing

Finally! The long wait will soon be over. The rough draft has been completed and turned over to my other editor in York, UK.

Took me longer than I wanted to, But I was able to get enough thoughts together to finish the second novella in the series. I do have an idea for the third instalment, but that may have to wait until DOW IV hits the stands. I'm a lot further along in roughing that out than S&C III. Stay tuned though! There will be more!!

4/5/23 - Dogs of Warr III: Chasing the Ghost release party

T&T37 Enterprises celebrated the release of Dogs of Warr III: Chasing the Ghost on May 20, 2023. The party was held at Martin's Bar-B-Que Joint 2:30 to 4:30. Appetizers and a cash bar were available and it felt good to have a drink and celebrate the release with my family ,and friends!


5/19/23 - Dogs of Warr III: Chasing the Ghost released!!

T&T37 Enterprises is pleased to announce the release of the exciting third installment of the Dogs of Warr series. 

Dogs of Warr III: Chasing the Ghost hit the shelves on May 19, 2023

available in paperback Print on Demand from my good friends over at the BookBaby BookShop.

It's also available in e-book format through Amazon, Apple books, and all other major e-book retailers.

4/5/23 - Dogs of Warr III: Chasing the Ghost release date!!!

T&T37 Enterprises is pleased to announce the upcoming release of the exciting third installment of the Dogs of Warr series. 

Dogs of Warr III: Chasing the Ghost will hit the shelves on May 19, 2023.  This volume will be available in paperback Print on Demand from my good friends over at the BookBaby BookShop. It will also be available in e-book format through Amazon, Apple books, and all other major e-book retailers.

There will also be a book release party at Martin's Bar-B-Que Joint on May 20, 2023 from 2:30 to 4:30. Appetizers and a cash bar will be available. If you're in the area stop by. Have a drink and celebrate the release with me, my family ,and friends!  

1/28/21 - Dogs of Warr II: By Executive Request draft copy in production!

Final edits are complete. all the proofs have been submitted and the project is now in the extremely capable hands of BookBaby!

I can only say I'm so incredibly happy I found BookBaby. They have helped make a dream come true. Not only with the first book(s), but the continuing story. There are other self publishing companies out there, but I have been very pleased with the product that BookBaby puts out but most of all, and I've said this before, is the customer service. Fortunately I've not had to call there often, but when I do, it's like they are my own print and publishing team. They take their time talking to you, understand that you're most likely a novice and have a million questions, and walk you through the whole process. They don't pressure you and are super supportive. Until the day I get a book deal, and I'm still working on that, I will be more than excited to continue working with them.

Once I get the draft copy back, I'm going to have a Beta reader/proofreader go through and see if there are any other little things that need to be addressed before I submit the manuscript for Print On Demand, e-book conversion and worldwide distribution.

Stay tuned for further updates!!!!

12/30/20 - Dogs of Warr II: By Executive Request back from editor!

The manuscript for DOW II: BER is back from the editor, Mr. Tom Flood of Flood Manuscripts! it left his capable hands and will be given a thorough edit by myself very soon. After a cursory look at what Tom had to say, there's still some work to be done. I like the way he edits. Does his best to keep the story moving and flowing. But in the end, he told me, as he did with the first novel, "Remember that all edits are no more than suggestions. The author is the primary arbiter of their own work. If you disagree with an edit, change it back, or change it to something more suitable to you.." I did just that with DOW. There were a couple spots where I liked what I had so I kept it. Possibly a mistake, but it's my book. I listened to every bit of his advice re; edits and kept the majority of them. Anticipating a draft copy early in the new year with the "release" mid spring 2021!!! Very excited to have the second installment of Dogs of Warr hit the streets.

9/14/20 - New entry under "THE MACHINES"!!!

The long awaited (or maybe not) appearance of the creator concept art for the Hummingbird is on the website! a graphical representation of the device that you can use to picture in your mind as it floats round the battlefield in the books. Enjoy!!!

9/14/20 - Dogs of Warr II: By Executive Request in editing!!!

The rough manuscript is with the editor. Mr. Tom Flood of Flood Manuscripts has it in his hands and will be doing an assessment on the rough. Pending the outcome of that, it'll enter into a round of line editing with a final copy coming shortly after that. Mr. Flood helped get the first in the series out on the streets and looking forward to what he has to say about the second installment.

3/7/20 - Chronicles of Skull & Crossbownes II: The Central America File in pre-production!!!

The rough outline has been completed with a few chapter titles thrown down. I have a rough synopsis and some ideas about certain sections of the book I want to get in "writing", and will be trying to kick-start that the first week of May.

As far as a finished product is concerned, the priority for now is getting DOW II out. Not that I love S&C any less, but there's been more exposure to the DOW characters (mostly family and a few friends), but that's my "signature" franchise. Although if S&C were to take off, I wouldn't complain one iota about that!! LOL!!!

All it takes is cash and as of right now, with no agent or big publisher backing's gonna be taking it's sweet time going to press. But the ideas are still coming and I'm typing them down as quick as I can!!!!!

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